Saturday, December 26, 2009
Bah Humbug
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, TWELVE
I've been feeling a little bit of pain lately on the top of my left foot; a diagnosis from Dr. Mom revealed that I've likely been tying my shoes a little too tightly. This ought to come as no surprise to those who know me and my penchant for very skinny jeans. I re-laced the ol' Brooks sneakers, threw on some very stylish new gear courtesy of Hannukah Harry and the fine folks at City Sports, wore my mom's snazzy Garmin watch, and hit the road for one of my most favorite runs yet: a 12-miler from the Boston Common in the center of downtown all the way out to our bucolic (sort of...) suburb outside the city.
Apart from having an opportunity to show off my very chic new Nike outerwear, I was looking forward to this one for a number of reasons.
- First, I've never run 12 miles before. As I mentioned in a previous post, as soon as TnT hit the 10-mile mark, each run going forward would be my longest-yet. This lends an added element of accomplishment to each Saturday bout of hauling ass and further legitimizes my post-run gorging. If you're curious, yesterday's snacks of choice were Raisinets, Chinese food, and beer. Hurray for a very balanced lifestyle.
- Second, I've never done a long run by myself. Running with my six or seven TnT compatriots is a social affair; everyone talks for the bulk of the workout and, as a result, it rarely feels like we've been pounding the pavement for ninety minutes. I was a little nervous about being out alone on the road with only my thoughts (iPods are for wimps, people) and holiday traffic to guide me along. Moreoever, I rely on teammates for pacing. Quick theory interlude: When going out for a long run during a marathon training program, you don't want to be a speed demon; you save the really fast runs for shorter distances or interval workouts. I have a very hard time keeping myself at a consistent, steady pace. Often I'll dart out too quickly and not even realize it. We aim for around an 8:00 minute/mile pace on Saturday workouts.
- Which brings me to my third point: I was very excited to try out a Garmin watch to help with the aforementioned pacing. As I couldn't just run along with the pack, I tried out my mom's very sophisticated Garmin watch. It tells you time, distance, and PACE. A glance down every couple minutes (or if you're obsessive like me, every twenty seconds) will tell you how fast you're actually going and enable you to make a conscious, deliberate decision to slow down or speed up. Or go home and eat.
I was too caught up in keeping track of my pace and actually making my way home safely (despite the fact that I ran almost exclusively on one very long street) to engage in weighty intellectual discussions with myself. I found that for the bulk of the run, my head was empty, my thoughts more concerned with the practicalities ahead. Only when I got home did I realize that a good 10 miles or so were part of the Boston Marathon course.
That one's another goal for another time. Yesterday's 7:50 minute/mile average pace is accomplishment enough for right now. And that means more Raisinets when my brother and I go see Avatar later today.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Florida and Big Dinners and Sunshine and Books and Stuff
Vacation here has been lovely (if not a little bit ridiculous). Coming here can be like entering an alternate universe - there's more money, more gossip, and more nylon tracksuits than anywhere you could possibly find in New York City (save for maybe the 92nd Street Y). In between stuffing my face at the delicious restaurants Nana and Papa have secured reservations at (can we please talk about the Ocean Dragon at the Asian fusion palace downtown last night?), I've been keeping abreast of what's expected of the TnT-ers during this holiday week (and do look at the hyperlink when you've finished reading this entry...tee hee). I hit the road yesterday and banged out a nice 6 miler keeping up a steady 7:10 pace, which to my fellow elderly speed demons on the street must've looked like something out of The Fast and the Furious. Wearing shorts and a t-shirt, I needed about a mile or so to ease into the run; I think my body was somewhat shocked by the severe climate change and needed to adjust. Running along the intercoastal was fantastic and the experience was diminished only by the uneven sidewalk. Alas.
As tonight's group run is all about speed training, I wanted to have accurately timed intervals. Without the Garmin-wearing TnT teammates telling me when to pick up the pace and when to recover, I felt more comfortable on the treadmill, taking advantage of the exact timing/speed (and the cushiony surface). Since starting with Team in Training, I haven't once been on the machine and forgot what it feels like (a little piece of heaven compared to hilly Central Park). Armed with some headphones and a quality episode of Law and Order (SVU, obvi), I am happy to report that the hour-plus workout felt like nothing. By the time I'd finished eight rounds of 3 minutes hauling ass (even faster)/3 minutes recovering, Christopher Meloni had solved the case and looked mighty handsome doing it.
Having showered and eaten, I'm now enjoying the Floridian afternoon slump wherein you count down the hours to your evening dinner plans. Keeping up the running mindset, I've just downloaded Liz Robbins's A Race Like No Other to my Kindle and am very pleased with this new addition to the marathon book club (the first book being Haruki Murakami's What I Talk About When I Talk About Running). A journalist by trade, Robbins tracks seven or eight runners over the course of completing the 2007 New York City marathon. I'm only a few chapters in and am totally engrossed. Those she profiles include a 22 year old cancer survivor, elite runners like Paula Radcliffe, and a fiftysomething "glamorous grandma" on her 35th marathon. Robbins alternately highlights these individual racers and provides a fascinating, panoramic history of the race itself and the historic markers along the course. What I'm really taking away from the book is the idea that though Robbins has picked just several individuals, each runner has his own story likely worth documenting.
I guess this blog is how I'm choosing to narrate my own.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Run, Fat Boy, Run!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Broccoli, Broccoli!
I traveled to Miami and Los Angeles, both very sunny and warm places except when I'm in town apparently. The past couple of weeks, I've been dealing with a gross cold and a lot of work. I fully intended to keep up with my running schedule but, well, you know. I thought about going for a 3-mile run in Miami despite having a cold. I napped instead. Hey, at least I even brought my sneakers. The days between trips were so congested (GET IT) that I only managed a small workout with Jenn and blew off TNT altogether. In LA, I once again brought my sneakers and, you know what? I actually did my Saturday 3-4 mile run. 3.2 miles counts for that, right? I kept to a slow pace to get my body readjusted again. Up until I stepped on the treadmill, I had been feeling cranky and a bit anxious. Once I completed my mileage (or rather, once The Soup ended and the so-unbearable-E! True Hollywood Story: The Kardashians-that-I-had-to-leave-the-gym started), I felt infinitely better, lighter even. This subsequently made me mad. Running is now a necessity to my well-being. Goddammit.
So back in New York, back on track. I was a mess yesterday, hitting the ground running (HA) with a full plate of work that has kept me sleepless and stressed up until right now. Working out was a good way to take a break and clear my head. After doing a little arms and abs with my girl Jenn, I trudged over to Bethesda Fountain for my first TNT training in two weeks. Last time proved disastrous in the social arena but strong in the arm swinging, I guess. Tonight was cross-training night and we alternated 10 minute runs with 10 minute strengthening intervals (lunges, step-ups, abs, etc). Hooo boy I feel the burn today. The highlight of the workout was our man Broccoli. Broccoli was a rather colorful homeless character named for, among other nonsensical bon mots, his occasional yelling of "Broccoli, broccoli!". He got in on the action every now and then, blasted some Rihanna, and helpfully counted out our reps in various languages. Suddenly we had a crazytown TNT cheerleader. Well, we did until five squad cars pulled into the area and took him away. I was sad to see him go.
Lessons Learned: I am an antisocial runner. Really, I don't feel like chatting with you when I slogging up a hill. Unless you're Jenn, in which case you're usually telling me fun stories to distract and keep me moving.
After practice, I hustled Scott so we could get to the subway in hopes of having an opportunity to chat with Guy in a Dodgers Hat (again not wearing the hat but a red sweatshirt). I skipped down the stairs but didn't see him. So we walked down the platform, me a little sad, Scott in ultratight pants. And there he was! But some chick was talking to him. Damn her. We wait. The train comes. He gets on, she doesn't. So we all shuffle into the same car. Do it, Celeste. Just do it.
And guess what? I said hi! I shook his hand! I got his name! As per usual, I blacked out most of the interaction. I vaguely recall making him laugh at one point about Broccoli (thanks Mr. Broccoli, wherever precinct you are, for providing me with a brief moment of humor). That's good, I think. He has piercing blue eyes and is totally a little awkward which I kind of love. So yeah. I did it. Finally. Now I'll probably spend the rest of the season ignoring his existence.
The training was a good little break in my hectic week but oh man is it Friday yet? I just want to chill out like this guy:
Celeste Is Hopeless and Other Short Stories
Since I disappeared for a bit, I figured I'd recap an important practice two weeks ago to highlight how immensely lame I am.
Two weeks ago, we focused on our arm swing. This is super important for me to get down pat. I definitely cramp up in my shoulders and have been carrying a lot of tightness and pain there over the past several months. We did intervals up and down a flat stretch on the east side, running at a full pace with exaggerated arm swings for the distance of six lamp posts followed by a normal run for 3. I ran with Scott's coworker and our new TNT buddy Lindsay! We were given no hint to when the intervals would end. So back and forth we went. Back and forth. And...back. Aaaand forth. Back forth. I have no idea how long we were running but I'm going to venture to guess that we completed 18,000 miles.
Anyway, during the warm up I was running behind none other than Guy in a Dodgers Hat! Except he wasn't wearing the hat but a red sweatshirt. But for simplicity, we'll keep him as the Guy in a Dodgers Hat. Because I'm incredibly lame, I didn't say hi. Instead, I decided to increase the volume of my voice on interesting Celeste Facts while talking to Lindsay. "WHEN I LIVED IN CHINA..." or "I'M STUDYING FOR THE FOREIGN SERVICE EXAM" or "THAT TIME ON MOUNT EVEREST." You know, like a normal person would.
So afterwards, I'm waiting for my group to get their stuff together so we can walk to the unofficial TNT post-training bar spot. Who is standing outside? Guy in a Dodgers Hat. Do I say anything? No. Suddenly my iPhone gets really interesting instead. I internally beat the crap out of myself. And we're walking to the bar. Who is literally feet behind us? Guy in a Dodgers Hat. Seize the moment, Celeste. At one point he was like a foot over my shoulder. So I'm like, maybe he's coming to the bar. Perfect. I'll say hi then. And for all ten blocks of me not saying hello, it seemed like he was indeed coming to the bar. And just as we were nearing the spot, he hopped on the crosstown bus.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Speed Training in THE FREEZING COLD
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Some Numbers!
We still have a long ways to go to reach our goal so donate now! We'll love you forever!
If Scott or I reach $1000 today, we win WINTER WEATHER GEAR. I know you don't want us getting cold (we may also have been promised a free alcoholic beverage or two from our mentor Stephanie). So far your donations have earned us each a pair of socks, a visor, and a nifty drawstring bag.
Thanks again for everyone's support. You are helping a tremendous cause and really bolstering our drive to keep going.
A Fresh Start in the Rain
You think I'm kidding. I don't eat a lot of sugar on a normal basis and now all my body wants is another hit. My leg is shaking under my desk as I write. My eye has developed a twitch. This is serious. I must hold off and get this stuff out of my system. I'm going cold turkey. Pun intended. GET IT?!
Anyways. Yesterday, I got back to the city relatively safe, sober, and sugarfree. I was meeting Jenn at 3pm for my first run since adding another chin to my collection and was certainly not looking forward to it. I didn't manage to get in another 2-3 mile run like I was supposed to over the weekend and was intent on making it up. The weather was foggy, gusty and rainy as if New York had a cold but I was adamant about taking on the park. And showing off my new Under Armour raingear, obvs.
From the moment we started jogging, I felt like I was starting over again. I felt heavy, out of shape and my
Now if I could stop fantastizing about pie...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Hometown Hero, Part II
On this post-Thanksgiving trip back to New York, I am thankful for Celeste and her ability to find the funniest shit on the Internet. If you haven’t yet viewed the link she posted (here, again, for your convenience), I politely insist that you do so now.
Being back at the parents’ place for a few days was relaxing and full of exceptionally fattening cuisine. Over the course of the past twenty-four hours, I single-handedly consumed most of the innards of a grocery store-bought apple pie. Thank you Roche Brothers for sharing your delicious, heart attack-inducing baked goods with the world.
Dinner with the family was the usual raucous affair at my grandparents’ country club culminating with a meeting of my grandmother’s family (ours) and her ex-husband’s second wife’s (got that clear?) that may very well have resembled the first meeting of the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. How apropos! Fear not, gentle reader: a few vodka-sodas later, all were in great spirits. Before passing out in the car ride home (go me!), I very vividly recall my mom insisting that each individual family unit comprising the extended group pose for “hilarious family photos.” The results are not pretty and will not be posted here (though I may send a few to the wait staff as a token of appreciation for their putting up with us).
As I couldn’t join TNT for the group run in Central Park today, I ran my assigned seven miles all by my lonesome self in the old ‘hood. Armed with ye olde crafty G-Map Pedometer, I mapped out what I thought looked like a fun alternative to the standard jaunt in and out of town center. What I failed to realize was that this “new route” was almost entirely uphill (with a couple of real muthas in there for even more “fun”). Did I mention the severe wind warnings issued this morning in the Greater Boston area?
Stuffed Scott + mostly uphill course + 30 m.p.h. winds smacking my wimpy frame around = not the most enjoyable run of all time.
To my credit, I pounded it out in a legit time and was able, upon completion, to walk to the car to further feed my face at lunch. I am currently relaxing my knees on the Amtrak en route to New York, as Imperial Master Coach Christine has us running another fifty minutes tomorrow. I suppose that’s more reason to get schwasted in the city tonight, yes? Yes. Yes I will yes.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Moonwalking to the Finish Line
Hometown Hero?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Last night was the first of what I’m sure will be many instances where fitting the TNT schedule into “real life” becomes something of an obstacle. As I was busy filling my liver with toxins during the first training run, I was determined to hit the road with my teammates at the second group session. Plans were nearly thwarted when tickets for a hot show I’ve been really looking forward to seeing became available. The 5-mile training run started at 6:40 in the Park; curtain was at 8:00 in midtown. No way to do both consecutively. When I called Celeste at work and told her I’d likely have to run on my own during lunch to complete the mileage, she turned on the Tim Gunn and ordered me to “make it fucking work.”
I hopped the train uptown and met up with Celeste, Stephanie, and a crowd of…a lot of women. Gotta admit, before finding Celeste I was a little nervous knowing practically nobody. When the coaches began to explain the four, five, and six mile loops in Central Park (with which, having lived on the UES for a year, I’m really familiar) my own comfort with the various courses alleviated any anxiety. The coaches split us into three groups – beginner, intermediate, and advanced – and, to my surprise, I met the criteria for advanced (the ability to run six miles comfortably). It hit me that this was the first time in my life I’d ever been identified as “advanced” in any kind of athletic context. Ever. The sole exception was being granted the “Most Improved Player” award at Pine Manor Tennis Camp in fifth grade, but I suspect that was more of a pat on the back for building up just enough endurance that summer to stop flooding the court with sweat during matches.
We started with an easy jog and maxed at what felt like a 7:50 pace. Slowing down was honestly a little tough, but both my mom and the coaches have been stressing the importance of it. I suspect they know a bit more than I do, so I’m trying to take their advice. Repeating the Celeste-inspired mantra –make it fucking work – I veered off at the southern edge of the Park, sprinted back to the office, changed (still sweaty) into nicer clothes, and bolted to the theatre with a bag of pretzels for sustenance. I’d like to give a shout-out to my apocrine glands for giving me the gift of limited body odor, as my co-worker appeared not to notice any rank scent. Or at least was nice enough not to mention one.
Great run, fabulous show; this whole thing may work out after all.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Guy in a Dodgers Hat
I just sat there. I did nothing.
Okay, okay, I bargained, if he gets off at my stop I'll say something. Each stop went by and he didn't get off. This is it. This is fate. Aaand one stop before mine he hops off. Of course.
I am an idiot.
First Group Run
Above all, I was wondering why the hell I was awake at 9:30am on a weekend morning. Despite getting to bed early, I was feeling (and looking) rough:
A not all too uncommon occurrence: I was late. Luckily, when I reached Bethesda Terrace, I was greeted by a MASSIVE group. Spot Stephanie, our mentor.
The coaches were just finishing their pep talk so I stealthily slid into the group (or as stealthy as a wild child 6 footer can manage). We were going to run the roughly 1.7 mile lower loop of the park. For beginners and half marathoners, the coach suggest one loop. For advanced and intermediate runners, he suggested two. I eat that loop for breakfast. No problem, I thought, I'm gonna hit the ground running (pun intended) and take off with the advanced group. For longer distances, I've been training with the Galloway technique: running with short walking intervals. I've worked up to 10 minute intervals in the past and can do the flat Reservoir loop without a walking interval in a good 16 minutes. So alright, I thought, I can make this first loop and do a leisurely second loop.
Worst. Idea. Ever.
These people are runners. Despite it being a "conversational pace", I was quickly wheezing at anyone who wanted to chit-chat. And hello, Hills! I got a good 15 minutes of running in before I started to find myself drifting further and further back in the pack. I opted to do a walking interval and my mentor Stephanie caught up with me and walked it with me. I explained that I had thrown myself in too hard and she assured me that it's okay and I've got nothing to prove. This is a fact that I have a hard time with. I don't want to look like the dopey gym class failure. I finished strong with a run. So here was my predicament: The advanced group was far ahead of me. The beginner group was far behind me. Hang out and look like I shortcutted? What to do? I decided to knock in another half loop on my own.
So I was alone. Meanwhile, an Ultra-Marathon was being held in the park (a marathon and a half...nutsos). Since we were running on part of the course, we got a little cheering from some of the race volunteers. I particularly enjoyed the group of Italian tourists chanting "Run! Run! Run!" as I chugged up a hill.
I was getting kind of down on myself when I heard, "Hey, are you Team in Training?" A nice girl trotted up beside me and she looked like she was struggling (a comrade in arms!). She is a mentor but her knee was giving her some trouble. Together, we ran-walked-ran the rest of the half loop as she explained to me the tragic circumstances that brought her to Team in Training. A coworker went in to get a check up for a bad cough. An X-Ray revealed he didn't have a cough but Leukemia. A few days later, she randomly received a TNT flier and took it as a sign. Sadly, after she completed her first marathon, her grandmother got diagnosed with Leukemia, as well, and now she's back. I was glad she caught up with me.
Since I was between the two groups, I was officially the last person to finish the training loops. Flashbacks to the middle school half-mile run... I wanted to explain to everyone that "No! Really! I did like 2.5 miles! I'm not a beginner, I swear! Circumstances just made me finish last!". I really have to get over that self-conscious gym class failure thing. Anyway, the season has begun!
My calf was bothering me a little bit on Sunday but I figured it was just tight. Yesterday's run with Jenn revealed it is an injury. Because I procrastinated in getting new sneakers, I've been having some pain from the lack of foot and arch support. There was some searing pain and I really had to slow down. It seems I've strained the top of my Achilles tendon. Hopefully it won't be a problem but damn it hurts. At least I finally got the incentive to buy new sneakers (and cold weather gear!):
Second TNT group training run today! And hopefully Mr. Chaloff will make an appearance.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Why I'm in it...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Celeste's Mission and Inspiration
Thursday, November 19, 2009
From the Mailbag!
I just found your guys' blog - AMAZING! As a former gym class dud who grew up to pretend to be an athlete (read: buoyancy), I wholeheartedly support you guys and will avidly await further updates on your training!!
See you guys next week in Brookline?
Thanks for your encouragement and donations!
Official Kick-off: Part 2 (Celeste Edition)
The energy in the room was palpable, though, and it was hard not to be swept up in the excitement and anticipation. I'm slowly warming to the idea but the denial is still with me. Being in that room made it that much more real. I'm officially signed up. I am doing this.
A long distance race is a personal battle. But we won't be doing it alone. The coaches and mentors (Stephanie, you do not know what you've gotten yourself into) and teammates will help us finish. Above all, though, the mission of TNT is incentive enough to make it to the finish. Towards the end of the kick-off, they brought up a 5-time TNT marathon runner. Her reason for running? Her six-year-old niece who battled against Leukemia and won. And then the niece spoke. Cue the tears. This beautiful, bubbly girl lost two years of her childhood to the disease and she can't wait to run a marathon herself. Okay, you got me TNT, I'm definitely gonna do this.
The first group run is this Saturday at 10am in Central Park. They repeatedly reminded us that it will be at 8:30am for the rest of the season and not to get used to the late time. Thanks, guys. If you've ever seen me before the hour of 10am, you know it's not a pretty sight. In fact, it looks a lot like this:
Hey sexaaaay.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Official Kickoff - Part 1 (S.C. Edition)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hot Mess - Volume 1
Blame it on the ah-ah-ah-alcohol.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
From the rooftop, shout it out: BABY, I'M READY TO GO...
Nevertheless, I wanted to kick off the official first week of training today with one of my favorite courses, the southern tip of Manhattan. The route takes me from Houston and FDR on the East Side down past the Staten Island Ferry, Battery Park, and up the West Side Highway back to Houston Street. It's a great seven-mile loop best enjoyed at night (and ideally with a good breeze coming off the East and Hudson Rivers), as the Williamsburg, Manhattan, and Brooklyn Bridges are all lit up. Dumbo, Liberty Island, and Jersey City provide a really beautiful backdrop. As the song goes, "these lights will inspire you."