Or reasons why we should never leave Celeste with a computer:

It's Sim Celeste and Sim Scott!
Sim Celeste is already rocking the post-marathon body. Sidenote: the Sims are racist against curly hairdos. Sim Scott is wearing tight pants. And a combover.

Since Real Celeste couldn't go running, Sim Celeste hit the treadmill.

"What is that crazy young lady doing?!"

Um. WTF someone died at the gym. Sim Celeste heads immediately to the bar. I kid you not, an uncontrolled Sim Celeste went straight for the bar to mix a drink at every opportunity.

Alright, let's take it outside! Looking good Sim Celeste! You go girl!

Hand over the cheeseburger, kid.

This is the thought bubble for "spa". Again, I kid you not, every ten seconds Sim Celeste's "want" was "Go to Day Spa".

That's not running, Sim Celeste! Alright girl, go on with your bad self.
Um...yeaaaaah. So. Right. This flu thing and not running has clearly taken a toll on my sanity. I'm feeling almost up to snuff. Hopefully my chest will be clear tomorrow and I can enjoy the balmy 45 degree weather with a long park run! I've got a lot of catching up to do! Let's pretend this post never happened, okay? Kthx.
From my motha on GChat:
ReplyDelete"that thing celeste posted is very funny
your avitar looks just like you"
Even if she can't spell it, Mom knows what an avatar is!
where's sim laurel? sim laurel wants to eat snacks and take naps and watch reality television.